Title fraud can threaten your clients' future—you have the power to change that with an Existing Homeowner Policy (EHOP)

An Existing Homeowner Policy (EHOP) can protect one of your clients' most valuable assets, their home. A small, one-time premium will cover their title for as long as they own the property.* 

Regardless of their title insurance situation, we have a policy that will help guard against fraud now and, more importantly, in the future.

Is there any additional coverage beyond EHOP?

Absolutely, and we’re glad you asked!

For ultimate protection, we recommend pairing that with our Increased Policy Amount endorsement which ensures your clients aren’t underinsured as their property increases in value. When an Increased Policy Amount endorsement** is added, we remove all inflationary limits to the policy—giving your client’s the ultimate peace of mind.

Register for our Increased Policy Amount endorsement auto issuance now & help every client get the maximum coverage they deserve!

*Your policy will remain in force as long as you or your legal heirs have an interest in the property.

**A standard title insurance policy provides maximum inflationary coverage of up to 200% of the original amount of insurance. The Increased Policy Amount endorsement does not provide coverage for an increase in value due to renovations undertaken by the homeowner.

This material is intended to provide general information only. For specific coverage details and exclusions, please refer to the applicable policy terms and conditions. Copies are available upon request. Some products and availability may vary by province. Prices and products are subject to change without notice.

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